Headphones, as the name implies, are worn on the head, not inserted into the ear canal, and are different from in-ear earphones. It is composed of two parts, a signal transmitter and a headset (usually a moving coil) with a signal receiving and amplifying device.
The transmitter is connected to the signal source, and you can also connect a preamp or headphone amplifier in front of the transmitter to improve the sound quality and adjust the tone.
1: The sound field is good, the sound quality is very good, and the comfort is good.
2: Do not enter the ear to avoid scratching the ear canal.
3: Compared with in-ear earplugs, it protects the tympanic membrane more.
1: Summer is a bit sultry
2: Inconvenient to carry
3: If the sound insulation is too good, danger will easily occur on the road.