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Sheet metal cabinet

Generally speaking, sheet metal cabinets are composed of a base, front and rear doors, side doors, front and rear left and right frames, top cover, angle gauges and load-bearing beams.
  • Cname:Sheet metal products
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  • Date:2021-12-08
  • Product Details

The sheet metal cabinet is not only a cabinet for equipment, a good cabinet needs to ensure that the computer can run in a good environment, and it can also have a good heat dissipation effect. Sheet metal processing cabinets are classified into equipment cabinets and wiring cabinets according to their functions. In the design of sheet metal cabinet processing, we must not only consider the purpose of sheet metal cabinets, but also The equipment assembly of the sheet metal cabinet adjusts the space design and load-bearing capacity of the sheet metal. Various equipment components must be placed in the equipment cabinet, and the wiring cabinet must be routed reasonably. Sheet metal cabinets can also be divided into server cabinets, network cabinets, console cabinets, etc. according to their uses.

Sheet metal cabinet

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